Medicine is a vast field to study about. Every organ has many different factors and works for the proper functioning of the body. The same goes for medicine, here every organ has been studied by some professional in detail and those professionals are doctors.
There are different types of doctors who are experts in their works like gynecologists are for female reproductive organs, neurologists are trained for brain working, gastroenterologists are responsible for the whole stomach workings, Hepatology Doctor in Lucknow are trained for liver and surrounded parts and many other professionals.
Gastroenterology is the study of normal functions, conditions, diseases, and disorders of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and rectum including pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver.
Gastroenterology Doctor in Lucknow has a detailed understanding of the normal physiology of the organs related to digestive parts (above mentioned) along with the mobility of intestines and gastrointestinal tract to maintain a healthy digestive system.
A gastroenterologist needs to have a clear understanding of ailments affecting the organs of the gastrointestinal system like:
Seeing gastroenterologists can give a clear details about the health conditions and can locate the exact cause of symptoms of digestive tract.
Hepatology is an area that focuses on liver functioning and diseases along with the surrounding glands and related conditions. A hepatologist is a specialized doctor who has extended knowledge and practice in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatic diseases, including liver (as the primary focus), gall bladder, pancreas, biliary tract.
Conditions Hepatologists treat:
Primary treatments include-
Other treatments which impact the hepatic system includes-
There can be many reasons why you should visit hepatologists like a diagnosis of some liver-related conditions. However, you may need to consider visiting one if you show some symptoms like persistent abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, dark or blood in urine, chronic diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.
The gastroenterologists and hepatologists work for different organs and glands but both help in maintaining the functioning and preventing any disease or issue from occurring.